Directions: Important Deadlines & Events
Dawson Creek | Northern BC Tourism/Abby Cooper
BC Tourism Climate Resiliency Initiative
Project 1: Facilitated Sustainable Tourism and Climate Adaptation Planning for Tourism Businesses
This program provides free, tailored support to tourism businesses that want to incorporate environmental sustainability or climate adaptation measures into their operations.
Businesses accepted into this program are connected with an experienced Program Advisor and other sustainability and climate adaptation experts from Destination BC’s subject matter expert network to develop a sustainability and climate adaptation roadmap and perform detailed assessments to identify the most impactful, customized measures for climate resiliency.
Intake for this program is ongoing and provided on a first-come, first-served basis.
The sustainability and climate adaptation plan created through this program meets the pre-requisite for the Micro-Grant Program.
Applications for the Micro-Grant Program are open now until January 28, 2025.
Project 2: Micro-Grant Program to Support Sustainability and Climate Adaptation Plan Implementation | Intake Now Open!
Applications are now open for micro-grants of up to $15,000 to support sustainability projects or implementation of Climate Adaptation Plans. The deadline to apply is January 28, 2025.
Visit our website for helpful resources including program guidelines, examples of projects, success stories, and more.
Eligible applicants must have a sustainability or climate adaptation plan, created or reviewed by a subject matter expert, that recommends the project in their application.
The Community Destination Stewardship Initiative is designed to bring together BC-based communities and community organizations that manage visitors as a destination, CDMOs, Municipal government staff, First Nations and First Nation Economic Development Corporations to advance the sustainable development of BC’s tourism industry through workshops, discussions, and peer-to-peer engagement.
Project 3: Sustainability & Climate Adaptation Data Framework | Business Survey Introduction Webinar Recording Now Available
We recently hosted a workshop providing an overview of the first-ever province wide Tourism Climate Adaptation & Environmental Sustainability Business Survey launching later this month.
This short survey will invite BC tourism businesses to provide foundational data to guide climate adaptation efforts and environmental sustainability initiatives tailored to the needs of tourism businesses across the province.
Watch the webinar for more information and watch our channels for the launch of the survey to participate and share with your networks.
Join our stewardship network of communities across the province united around learning about and developing climate resilience and sustainability in the province.
Project 4: Community Destination Stewardship Initiative | Register for the "Climate Resilience, Governance and CDMOs" Workshop
Registration is open for the upcoming workshop for members of this provincial network taking place January 22, 2025 at 10am. This one-hour workshop will focus on government partnerships within the context of climate resilience in the tourism industry and explore the critical importance of provincial, regional and municipal partnerships to enhance climate resilience strategies.
Interested in joining the network and participating in this workshop and others like it? Visit our website to learn more about this initiative and find program updates.
Calling eligible BC tourism businesses to join us at Rendez-vous Canada 2025 in Winnipeg May 27-30.
Apply Now! Join the Destination BC Team
There's still space for a few more BC tourism businesses to join us at Rendez-vous Canada 2025 in Winnipeg May 27–30. Produced by Destination Canada and Tourism Industry Association of Canada, this event connects Canadian tourism businesses with international travel buyers to create meaningful opportunities.
Tourism businesses interested in applying must meet the selection criteria, including operating for a minimum of one year and already be working with the Travel Trade. Elegible sellers should complete the application form by Sunday, January 19, 2025.
Last Call! Tourism Digital Academy Session Starting January 29, 2025
There are only a few spots remaining for the upcoming Tourism Digital Academy starting January 29, 2025. Act now to take advantage of this FREE eight-week program that helps tourism businesses develop their understanding of SEO, website usability, content, email marketing, analytics, and more. The program includes live, virtual sessions, self-directed learning modules, and practical exercises to help you gain the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the world of marketing. Visit our website to learn more and apply!
Don't miss this opportunity to grow your tourism businesses digital marketing provided by Destination BC.
Secure your spot for the BC Tourism Industry Conference!
Register Now for the BC Tourism Industry Conference | March 5-7, 2025
Early bird registration has now closed, however there's still time to get your passes for the Tourism Industry Conference March 5-7, 2025. The theme of this year's event is "Tourism For All - Embracing the Journey", highlighting how tourism is a part of every community in BC and the economic, social, environmental, and cultural benefits for residents and visitors alike.
Register today for the 2025 IMPACT Sustainability Travel & Tourism Summit.
2025 IMPACT Sustainability Travel & Tourism Summit (January 27–29, 2025)
The IMPACT Sustainability Travel & Tourism Summit is coming up on January 27-29, 2025, in Victoria and there's still time to register for either the full conference or the stand-alone Day of Impact on January 26th. This event brings together DMOs, tourism operators, government, Indigenous leaders, and academia to propel, inspire, and showcase innovative sustainable and regenerative solutions in tourism.
Joining the outstanding list of facilitators and speakers will be Destination BC's Vice-President of Destination Management, Alison McKay, presenting the the innovative partnerships and collaborations behind the award-winning BC Tourism Climate Resiliency Initiative.