Sooke Hills Wilderness Regional Park | City of Langford/Landon Copplestone
Businesses and non-profit organizations that provide tourism experiences within British Columbia are eligible to receive funding of up to $15,000 to implement a project or obtain sustainability certification.
Project Two of the BC Tourism Climate Resiliency Initiative (BCTCRI)–Micro-Grants to Support Sustainability and Climate Adaptation Plan Implementation–offers micro-grant funding for organizations that already have a sustainability or climate adaptation plan and are ready to implement the recommendations into their organization by purchasing equipment, updating infrastructure, implementing new systems, or pursuing sustainability certification.
Benefits to businesses and organizations receiving a micro-grant include:
Example project types and full eligibility requirements are described in the Micro-Grant Program Guidelines below. Projects must be related to obtaining sustainability certification or upgrading or implementing systems associated with:
The funds may not be used for the planning process and must build on an existing plan to implement lasting measures into your business or organization that support environmental sustainability or climate adaptation.
✔Applicant business or organization must have been in operation for at least two years and must match 50% of their own funding (25% for non-profit or First Nations owned organizations) to the project.
Project & Summary:
♻CO2 Capture from Brewing: Investing in brewery equipment that will capture C02 that is created in the brewing process, cleaned and then re used in the carbonation of the beer and in the canning process to reduce the new C02 required for the system.
♻Energy Management: Installing LED lighting in tasting rooms to reduce energy usage.
♻Water Chiller Purchase: Purchasing a water cooler for the distilling process to establish a closed-loop cooling system for the stills will drastically reduce the amount of water used in the distillation process.
♻Wastewater Recycling (Locality Brewing): Implementing a wastewater treatment and distribution system that conserves and repurposes water used in the brewing process.
Legend: 🛠Adaptation Project ♻Sustainability Project 🔁Combination Project
Case Study: Locality Brewing – Wastewater Recycling Project (Watch Now!)
Project & Summary:
♻Microhydro Turbine and Fire Smart Adaptations: Upgrading the current renewable energy systems at the business’s main lodge to reduce need for gas generators that supplement power needs.
🔁Well Water Monitoring Program: Purchasing well monitoring equipment to allow water level data monitoring to minimize any unnecessary water use and adapt to drought.
🔁Sustainability Enhancement – Solar Panels & Energy Use Reduction: Installing solar panels, energy efficient windows, LED lighting, rainwater capture systems, and extreme weather-resilient siding to cabins to promote renewable energy, reduce energy usage, reduce water waste, and adapt to extreme weather events.
♻Solar Panels with Inverter/Backup Systems: Purchasing and installing solar panel systems to convert to renewable energy.
♻Solar Panel Installation (Fishpot Lake Resort): Purchasing and installing a solar panel system to convert the resort from fossil fuels to renewable energy.
Legend: 🛠Adaptation Project ♻Sustainability Project 🔁Combination Project
Case Study: Fishpot Lake Resort – Solar Panel Project (Watch Now!)
Project & Summary:
♻ Energy Use Reduction Measures: Installing a heat-pump powered hot water tank and heat recovery ventilation system to transition to renewable energy and reduce energy usage, and install shade sails to adapt to hotter summer weather.
♻Sustainability Implementation Project: Buying and installing three mini-split heat pumps, energy efficient windows, low flow toilets and waste diversion signage to achieve a transition to renewable energy, energy efficiency, and reduction in water and waste.
Legend: 🛠Adaptation Project ♻Sustainability Project 🔁Combination Project
Project & Summary:
♻Solar Panel Installation: Purchasing and installing solar panel systems to convert to renewable energy.
♻Sustainable Transportation Upgrades: Converting a company vessel to biodiesel from vegetable oil recovered from local restaurants in the area and to purchase e-bikes to reduce energy usage and promote sustainable transportation.
♻Snowmobile Sustainability: Purchasing an electric snowmobile to promote sustainable transportation and decrease fossil fuel usage.
♻Solar Panel Expansion: Installing solar panel systems to convert to renewable energy.
♻Water Collection, Recycling, Irrigation System: Building a water collection pond and water recycling system to reduce water waste.
🔁Zero Emission Delivery Project: Purchasing a solar powered fan for the greenhouse, e-bike purchase and charging station, create bike parking, and install a water capture system to achieve adaptation measures for cooling and drought, and encourage sustainable transportation to the site.
Legend: 🛠Adaptation Project ♻Sustainability Project 🔁Combination Project
Project & Summary:
♻Enhancing Festival Accessibility: Buying and installing batteries into a gas powered side-by-side vehicle to promote sustainable transportation for festival activities.
🛠Water Holding Tank Project: Installing a 1500 gallon holding tank to reduce water waste and adapt to summer drought conditions.
♻Electric Utility Vehicle Fleet: Purchasing electric golf carts for festival services to promote sustainable transportation.
♻Waste Diversion Project: Buying new equipment to create clear and simple waste sorting stations and purchasing reusable water jugs to reduce waste.
Legend: 🛠Adaptation Project ♻Sustainability Project 🔁Combination Project
Project & Summary:
♻Scoops of Sustainability: Purchasing Ice Cream production equipment including machines, dishwasher and reusable glass jars to establish a circular Ice Cream production that reduces waste of Ice Cream packaging, fossil fuels of transport, and allows for a composting system.
Legend: 🛠Adaptation Project ♻Sustainability Project 🔁Combination Project
Project & Summary:
🔁Watering Metering: Purchasing well monitoring equipment for water level data monitoring to reduce water waste and adapt to drought.
♻Campground Solar Project: Buying and installing solar panel systems to convert to renewable energy.
Legend: 🛠Adaptation Project ♻Sustainability Project 🔁Combination Project
Project & Summary:
♻Vessel Motor Replacement for GHG Emissions Reductions: Replacing a vessel motor with a more efficient model to reduce energy usage.
♻Vessel Efficiency Improvement through Propeller Retrofits: Retrofitting two zodiac fleet vessels with innovative toroidal propellers to reduce fuel consumption and reduce noise for surrounding habitat.
Legend: 🛠Adaptation Project ♻Sustainability Project 🔁Combination Project
Project & Summary:
♻Pure Peaks – Sip Sustainably: Installing water refill stations, install educational signage and build a reusable water display case to reduce single use plastic waste.
Legend: 🛠Adaptation Project ♻Sustainability Project 🔁Combination Project
A sample application form in word format is available to practice your application before submission. Please note that all applications must be submitted through the online system, and this word format is available for preparation purposes only.
If your business does not yet have a sustainability and climate adaptation plan or road map, consider applying to participate in Project 1: Facilitated Sustainable Tourism and Climate Adaptation Planning for Tourism Businesses.
Projects must meet all eligibility criteria to be accepted into the program. Reach out to us at with any program questions or to arrange a meeting to discuss your application or any of the criteria.
There are a number of additional funding sources available to tourism businesses, communities, and sectors to aid in the development of the tourism sector.
Read about other funding sources.
The BCTCRI and its representative projects are developed and delivered in collaboration with partner organizations, including the six Regional Destination Management Organizations (RDMOs), Indigenous Tourism BC, and the BC Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport working together to meet the goals of this initiative.
To find out more or ask questions about the BCTCRI or any of the four projects, contact us at
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