Mount Assiniboine Provincial Park | Kari Medig
Explore the funding sources listed below and use the Economic Development Funding and Grants Search Tool or Federal Funding and Grants Tool to find additional funding sources for provincial and other (non-governmental, regional, federal) programs and initiatives:
The BC Arts Council serves as the BC government’s primary funding and development agency for the arts, allocating $24 million each year through an independent peer review process. The Council approves almost 1,500 grants annually, to applicants from more than 200 communities throughout the province.
Active Transportation Infrastructure Grant Program
The BC Active Transportation Infrastructure Grant Program provides cost-sharing opportunities for network planning grants and infrastructure grants. Funding from these grant programs support the development of active transportation infrastructure for all ages and abilities. For example, infrastructure grants fund: Multi-use protected travel lanes; Pedestrian and cycling safety improvements; End-of-trip facilities and other amenities; Lighting and way-finding.
Business Development Bank of Canada
The Small Business Loan program provides loans of up to $100,000. The entire process is 100% online and is intended to help smaller firms address short-term financing needs.
Community Futures British Columbia
Community Futures offers business loans of up to $150,000 to entrepreneurs through 34 offices across the province.
Infrastructure Canada works closely with all orders of government and other partners to enable investments in social, green, public transit and other core public infrastructure, as well as trade and transportation infrastructure.
Pacific Economic Development Canada (PacifiCan) is the regional development agency focused on British Columbia’s evolving economy. Financial support is available for businesses and not-for-profit organizations with projects that advance economic growth and diversity in British Columbia.
Resort Municipalities Initiative
The Resort Municipality Initiative is managed by the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture and is intended to assist small, tourism-based municipalities to increase visitation, resort amenities, private investment, and employment.
Rural Economic Diversification & Infrastructure Program
The Rural Economic Diversification and Infrastructure Program (REDIP) is a new grant launched by the Ministry of Jobs, Economic Development and Innovation (JEDI). The fund provides up to $33 million to support rural economic development projects that promote economic capacity building, economic diversification, resilience, clean economy opportunities, and infrastructure development.
The Domestic Industry Initiatives Program provides funding to a wide range of domestic events and initiatives that aim to engage British Columbia’s creative industries sector.
The Tourism Events Program (TEP) helps events increase the volume of visitors to British Columbia, and/or increase global recognition for the province by providing supplemental funding for marketing, promotional, advertising and broadcast activities. It supports a wide range of events, including arts, cultural or internationally recognized competitive sporting events.
Heritage BC supports heritage conservation across British Columbia through education, training and skills development, capacity building in heritage planning and funding through the Heritage Legacy Fund (HLF).
Business loans are available to Indigenous entrepreneurs in BC, delivered in partnership with four Indigenous Capital Corporations located throughout the province.
Heritage Infrastructure Program
The Heritage Infrastructure Program provides funding to support projects that conserve, repair or develop Indigenous heritage infrastructure. The goal of this program is to assist First Nations communities to safeguard, revitalize and celebrate their heritage through heritage infrastructure projects. Projects include the conservation of structures, heritage sites, landscapes, buildings and trails that support public and community access to heritage resources.
Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada
The Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada Product Development Fund supports Indigenous tourism businesses to reach a market-ready state and develop sustainable growth for economic success.
Indigenous Tourism British Columbia
Indigenous Tourism BC offers funding and support for Indigenous individuals, businesses, and communities to develop tourism experiences and products.
Community Gaming Grants support the delivery of community organization programs that benefit British Columbians. Non-profit organizations providing programs or services of direct benefit to the broader community are eligible to apply: local organizations, up to $100,000 per year; regional organizations, up to $225,000 per year; and province-wide organizations, up to $250,000 per year.
To help residents and communities take action on issues that are important to them, the trust offers various grants including Community Development Plan, Community Outdoor Revitalization Grants, and Trail Enhancement Grants.
Economic Trust of the Southern Interior
The Economic Trust of the Southern Interior provides funding and support for communities to support strategic investments in economic development projects that will have long-lasting and measurable benefits to the Southern Interior region of BC.
The Island Coastal Economic Trust invests its funds primarily through two grant programs: DIVERSIFY – Capital and Innovation Program and the THRIVE – Small Capital Program. Eligible applicants include local governments, non-profits, and First Nations.
Nechako-Kitamaat Development Fund Society
The Nechako-Kitamaat Development Fund Society assists the people of the Nechako region by investing in sustainable economic and community stability projects in the area most affected by the Kemano project and the creation of the Nechako Reservoir.
Northern Development Initiative Trust
Northern Development offers a range of funding programs suited to a diverse set of economic development priorities in central and northern British Columbia.
Accessibility-related Funding Opportunities
There are a number of funding sources that tourism industry stakeholders (businesses, regions, communities, and sectors) may consider when developing and marketing their tourism products.
The CleanBC Communities Fund (CCF) provides provincial and federal funding for community infrastructure projects that reduce reliance on fossil fuels.
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